Brenda offers a 1 ½ hour free initial consultation either face to face, online or on the phone, depending on circumstances (eg distance, Coronovirus). The purpose is to chew over the reasons for wanting coaching now, and thoughts on what changes you the client want to achieve by the end of the coaching programme. This is, as well, a chance for me to find out a little about you and your background, your career progression, what motivates and drains you, and for us both to get a sense of whether we believe we could work well together.
Please note that sessions can be conducted remotely.
It is important to underline straight away, that the conversations that take place within the coaching sessions are confidential. Where it is valuable for key colleagues such as Line Manager, Chairperson or HR, to be involved, only headline themes will be shared, with the knowledge of you the client.
A typical coaching programme consists of 8 x 2 hour sessions at intervals of 4 weeks, though sessions can be more frequent as necessary. Sometimes a shorter programme is recommended, with the possibility of extending if wished. Email and telephone contact in-between sessions is included in the coaching package and encouraged.
I believe it is immensely valuable to involve one or two colleagues, as outlined above, at the beginning of the coaching programme. The organisation needs to be aligned with the coaching programme and to have the opportunity to discuss openly with the client and coach what they all see as the key objectives to be achieved through the coaching. Objectives need to be drawn up, and may be added to / adapted as the sessions progress. These objectives, and achieving these objectives, remain the focus of the coaching work.
Coaching sessions take place face-to-face in Central London, or if appropriate at the client’s offices. Sessions are conducted remotely as needed, depending on travel, distance or indeed crises such as Coronovirus.
I use a range of leadership models and frameworks within the coaching, and will often introduce the Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality tool and / or 360 degree feedback as an essential contribution to hugely increasing self-awareness and self-understanding.
An action plan is drawn up at the end of each session, and you the client will be charged with working on this over the four week period in-between sessions. And I will be holding you to task!
Over the years Brenda has coached clients drawn from a wide range of sectors.